Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Different Types of Goldfish

Goldfish Galore
There are many types of fish in general, but also multiple variations of goldfish as well. The amazing fact that there are so many types, originally attracted me to these fabulous creatures and what possessed me to blog about them. Referenced from multiple sources there are between 19-22 different types of goldfish; there are so many wondrous choices. Not only are there many different types but among all those choices each of the species have different variations in color. Calico, black, orange, and white are many colors that differ between specie to specie.
Comets                                                                                                                                       Telescopes 
Commons                                                                                                                                   Pom poms
Shubunkins                                                                                                                                 Demekins
Wakins                                                                                                                                        Veiltails
Jikins                                                                                                                                           Eggfishs
Fantails                                                                                                                                       Lionheads
Pearlscales                                                                                                                                 Ranchus
Orandas                                                                                                                                      Celestials
Ryukins                                                                                                                                       Bubble Eyes
Black Moors                                                                                                                                Tosakins
Panada Moors                                                                                                                             Lionchus




Unknown said...

Hey, Alyssa! Your blog about Goldfish is amazing! I really enjoyed it because colorful fish like the goldfish are quite interesting! I also know someone who has a goldfish! I’m pretty sure that it is a common goldfish. As I looked through your blog, I learned that there are many different kinds of goldfish! Before I only thought that goldfish were fish looked like the ones in Nemo! Out of all the wonderful different kinds of goldfish, I think that the Panda Moor is my favorite! I also thought that the History of how Pepperidge Farm Goldfish snacks came to be was quite interesting! Also as I was scrolling down your blog I saw the interactive goldfish bar. I was very surprised to see how many goldfish were in movies! I loved visiting your blog about goldfish!

Mike Sweeney said...

Very cool! I did not know there were so many varities of taught me something today !!

Mr. Sweeney

Anonymous said...

Do you like to go fishing? I have a goldfish of my own his name is Mr. Moo. He likes to jump like a dolphin out of the water. I really like your background.I invite you to my blog at